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Are You Aware of All QReporter Can Do?

Kristy Hayek

By Kristy Hayek, Director of Customer Support

April 2022

One of our QTools that many of you may not have been aware of is QReporter, a custom report solution to fit your business's needs. Many of our customers use QReporter to print customer invoices, as well as to email invoices directly to their customers. Be sure to visit our support website, where you can find a QReporter library of reports that you can preview and download. (Note that you must be logged in to the support site first.) These reports are accessible to you for no additional charge. Even if you have already been using the standard reports, there are updated reports in the QReporter library available to you.

What is QReporter?

QReporter is an add-on reporting program that is more customizable than QFloors reporting. If there is data in QFloors, QReporter has the ability to pull that data out and into a custom report for you. QReporter comes with a few of these standard reports already installed.

What is the QReporter Library?

The QReporter library has a variety of customer invoice options, as well as profitability reports. We recommend that you take a look at our QReporter library making sure you are using the most up to date reports, and correct reports for your area. (This particularly applies to California and Canada due to their unique tax laws.) We have recently been updating our QReporter library making sure our standard reports display the new Surcharging field for those who are using this new feature.

What is a Custom Report?

We recommend taking a look at our QReporter library to find a report that is ideally close to what you are looking for and in need of. Then print that report and redline it showing the changes you would like to see. We have a form that you will fill out and submit to our QReporter programmer for an estimate. Custom reports are billable due to the custom programming that takes place.

I already use QReporter and use it to send emails. Why should I look at what's new?

We are always doing our best to keep QFloors at the forefront of our industry. So updates are always happening to create the best working environment in the software for you and your team. One thing you may not have been aware of is that we now have our own email relay server. Providing this solution and switching over to our relay server, allows us to help our customers ensure email deliverability.

Did you know about button mapping and the new Ctrl Q shortcut?

You can set your print button located at the top of your sales order screen to pull up your most frequently used print preview from QReporter. This will allow you to pull up your print preview with just one simple click. You still maintain access to your full list of print options. But by setting this feature, you will save time from having to search for the report you like to use. You also now have the ability to quickly pull up your list of options using our new Ctrl Q feature on your keyboard.

So are you using your QTools?

This is only one of the many different features available to you with your software. For more information regarding other QTools and their features, contact a member of our support or sales teams and we will show you what you may be missing out on.

Kristy Hayek

About the Author

Kristy Hayek - Director of Customer Support

With her powerful mix of customer service experience, accounting knowledge, patience, and problem-solving skills, Kristy plays an invaluable role in the support department. Whether training customers or other QFloors team members, she has the ability to clearly explain complicated software and accounting procedures. Kristy has a degree in Business Management and Accounting. Her kind, calm nature is appreciated by customers and coworkers alike.