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Let's Talk about B2B Features

Antonio Ortega

By Antonio Ortega, B2B Specialist & Tech Support

October 2018

I am the person at QFloors handling the majority of the B2B support calls. The most common questions I get have to do with bad catalogs, duplicate styles or colors, or that for some reason the B2B import was not completed as expected. We are familiar with troubleshooting these issues.

Sometimes, in their frustration in the moment, callers make blanket statements such as, “B2B doesn't work.” The truth is that the majority of our 900+ active customers use B2B on a regular basis, and I am not getting an overwhelming number of calls concerning problems. A more accurate statement would be that B2B doesn't work well with certain suppliers -- and we know that.

Because of that, we have created a B2B certification process that indicates the level of B2B sophistication each supplier has. We have also documented the possible issues you could experience with each supplier. Simply click on the supplier name on our B2B website page for detailed information. Each supplier has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to B2B. However, B2B does, in fact, work very well with most of our certified suppliers.

If there is an issue on our end, we are committed to fixing it in a timely manner. If it resides with the supplier, we will work with them to get it fixed and/or document the issue on our B2B Site . We are dedicated to helping our customers have a smooth B2B experience. We understand that things can happen now and then, but I want to let you know that we are here to help.

Most of our customers are using price catalog imports and updates. Less frequently used features would include purchase orders, vendor invoices, and advance shipping notices.

What about Web Services?

Most of our customers know very little about Web Services. Did you know that through this technology you could be doing real-time Stock and Inventory check? Or that you could be checking Related Items? If you are already using B2B, but not Web Services, you are missing out on some awesome features. You probably already have your Web Services credentials, so start taking advantage of these time-saving benefits! Many other software companies charge for these features, but with QFloors, they are all free, so there is no excuse!

Sometimes we run into customers who aren't using B2B and Web Services because they just don't know how. If that describes you, I urge you to get on board, for your own benefit. We have videos, documentation and human resources to help you start now. You could be doing more in less time, lowering stress and raising profits.

Quickly check for new vendors doing B2B and Web Services on our website.

Instead of waiting for vendors to reach out to you for EDI/B2B data exchange and Web Services, it's best to think ahead. Check our B2B website for new vendors, then contact your favorite vendors if they are not doing B2B and encourage them to embark on providing these technologies. For the best, quickest results, get their contact info and send it over to our B2B team here at QFloors. We will reach out to them. But we've found it is most effective when you follow up with them, so they know about your shared interest in driving competitive advantage over competitors in the marketplace. Typically, if vendors know it is important to their customers, they will act.

Website B2B Status Updates.

One other thing you can check on our website is for updates on the resolution of issues that we have found, or that we are continuing to work on from either our or the vendor's end. Just click on the vendor's name on our B2B chart. We are constantly updating this information. So it is a quick way to see status reports.

Here is a list of vendors that have been recently certified:

See the full fcB2B list.

Dixie Group users -- we have great news for you!

We have fixed the update issue with the Dixie Group. Now all updates should be correctly applied. You may have to get a full catalog one last time, and then from that point on, the updates should work. Don't forget to upgrade to the latest version of QFloors to get this fix.

In conclusion, do not wait or hesitate about implementing all the tremendous benefits of B2B now. Here at QFloors, we are ready to help you get there.

Antonio Ortega

About the Author

Antonio Ortega - B2B Specialist, Tech Support

Antonio understands what it takes to run a successful software company, having previously owned an ERP business management software company in South America. Antiono is smart, experienced, dependable, and hard working. He is not afraid of challenging assignments, and is able to think outside the box for solutions. Antonio enjoys working one on one with QFloors customers, helping them find solutions to problems. As a former community leader, he continues to be a tireless advocate for Human Rights and Freedom in Venezuela.