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Multifamily/Property Management Made Easy

Ted Schultz

By Ted Schultz, Director of Sales

April 2017

Multifamily/Property Management Made Easy -- QOrders & Heartland Credit Card Tokenization

Lately, we have been receiving more inquiries about our QOrders product . People are seeing how this can help them grow their business with property managers. Let’s take a quick look at what QOrders will do for you if you are in the multifamily/property management market.

QOrders is designed to allow your property managers the ability to just go to a website (that we maintain for you) and place an order. So the minute they realize that they will need floors done for any of their units, they log into this site with a user name and password that you’ve given them, and in less than 2 minutes, place the order, without the need to call you or drive to your store. Meanwhile, back at your store, a message window will open, notifying you that an order is ready to be downloaded. From your “Tools” drop down, you can download these orders and they will instantly populate your sales order screen. You will see the requested install date and you can either confirm that or give them a different date.

There is also a history of the orders placed and a status that includes a record of how much the bill is and the balance due on the bill. This saves you and your property manager a lot of hassle and time. This tool can also be used to expand your multifamily business when you show property managers the time they will be saving.

Getting started requires you to set up a template for each style of apartment that they may have (1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, etc.) This will be done in a way that will allow them to select any part of the apartment for the order. Bringing those options into QOrders for your client can be done quickly and easily.

What about getting paid by the property manager? Another new feature offered to our partners through Heartland is tokenization of credit cards. Tokenization protects the credit card information from hackers. Once the card has been swiped it will save the information in a token format that would be only usable by Heartland for processing. This token can be saved for your property managers’ accounts in a safe way to allow you to run their card, at lower swipe rates, for their jobs in stages, without requiring that you have the card in hand. Tokenization can also be attached to a specific sales order to allow you to make payment in full by credit card, with the lower swipe rates and without the card in hand, when the job is completed.

This will make the job for property managers so much easier. They will love doing business with you. It will also make your job much easier. It’s a powerful tool to help you grow your property management business.

For more information about QOrders, contact the QFloors sales team.

Sales Department
801-563-0140 option 4

Ted Schultz

About the Author

Ted Schultz - Director of Sales

Ted graduated from BYU with a BS in Industrial Education. His experience within the flooring industry ranges from installation to a flooring store owner. Also, Ted has six years in the financial services industry and six years as an owner of a software business specific to real estate appraisal. He understands the needs of business owners and how QFloors can help owners maximize profits.