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A message from Tony Fabrizio, Director, Software Development

Chad Ogden

By Tony Fabrizio, Director of Software Development

April 2016

These are some very exciting times for the QFloors Development Team. In the past year we have more than doubled our number of developers. We’re eager to start showing off some of the things that we have been working so hard on for the last few years.

As many of you might have noticed, our emails have changed from to Something that you may not know about yet is that in addition to our current QFloors website (, we have launched a new website for QPro Software ( I would highly encourage you to learn more by visiting the site, especially the article “Why Our Cloud Reigns”.

We are very excited about the future of QFloors and how it is going to help you grow your business.

Tony Fabrizio

About the Author

Tony Fabrizio - Director of Software Development

Tony graduated From the University of Utah with a BS in Computer Science. He started with QFloors as an intern in 2008 and was hired on full time in 2010. Tony brings impressive programming skills and moved up quickly to Senior Software Engineer.