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Retailer Perspectives on Software

June 2013

Floor Focus recently published an article, in which editor Jessica Chevalier spoke with several different retailers about their experiences with their software. Joe Montemagni, owner of BayState Rug (Chicopee, MA) and happy QFloors customer, was featured in the article. Check out the Softwar: Retailer Perspectives article.

We completely agree with Jessica's end analysis. To quote her article,

A very clear message emerged: Regardless of all the new functions and features, regardless of who offers a cloud capability and what mobile options a program has for use on the showroom floor, nothing means more to flooring retailers than the relationship they have with the software developer.

Yes, QFloors offers the ease of cloud computing, and is adaptable to any mobile, tablet, iPad or iPhone, laptop, Mac or PC format. And yes, we are continually adding super-cool new functions and features. But our relationship with customers is without question where the strength of our company lies. Just ask Joe.

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