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What to Do to Finish the Year Right.

Kristy Hayek

By Kristy Hayek, Manager of Customer Support

October 2018

It’s that time of year again! Everyone is starting to get ready for Year End. You can find our End of Period Procedures document (you must be logged in before clicking this link) on the QFloors website. It will help you make sure you’re dotting all your i’s and crossing all your t’s. Keep in mind, you can always set up an appointment with us to go over this document and to discuss where and how to get started.

Making sure you clean things up and reconcile is the best way to ensure accurate financials. The End of Period Procedures document will walk you through important tasks like making sure you are caught up on Job Costing and cleaning up your stock list, to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

You can do these procedures as part of your monthly bookkeeping procedures throughout the year, so you can find and fix small problems. Remember, you can always call us to ask questions or set up training appointments. Please keep in mind that our call volume dramatically increases towards the end of the year with more people calling with accounting questions. Make sure you plan ahead, and let us know what we can do to help!

Kristy Hayek

About the Author

Kristy Hayek - Manager of Customer Support

Kristy brings previous experience in retail management and bookkeeping as well as a degree in Business Management and Accounting. This has given her a very strong accounting background. She is very bright and has become an essential team member.