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Support Department Updates

Colten Gines

By Colten Gines, Customer Support Manager

October 2017

To Our Customers,

You’ve probably noticed changes in our support department -- new names, new hold music and new procedures.

Over the years we have learned a thing or two. We’ve analyzed our systems both introspectively (for instance, via data tracking, through hours of our CEO taking incoming calls almost like the tv show Undercover Bosses (only we could never disguise Chad’s voice enough to be completely obscure), and through customer surveys to discover what is working and what needs improvement. We validated some of our assumptions. And we were gratified to see our support received very high approval ratings. After organizing all the data, we put in place a plan to improve our customer experience, focusing primarily on the support department.

The plan includes faster response times. (Our average time to answer for 2017 is less than 2 minutes, which is incredible, considering the number of incoming calls.) This means within minutes of calling you have a real person on the phone and an opportunity to explain your issue while we first LISTEN then CREATE the most efficient solution for you.

Your path to that solution may take any one of the following roads:

  1. The Tech or Training Queue - this has been the busiest road, requiring the majority of our resources. Waiting for you here, you will find a member of our basic training team, available to answer on demand questions for a quick refresher or clarification of a step within the many processes in QFloors. They also gather and package information for specialist trainers, if necessary.
  2. The second road you may need to take will require a scheduled appointment. This guarantees you the appropriate amount of time, which is blocked out, uninterrupted time. This is where the greatest portion of learning is consumed. This environment is developed specifically to facilitate understanding. Your trainers are familiar with the different ways you all do business and have a thorough understanding of how each phase of QFloors affects another. Time spent here results in a very thorough training. You may even receive assignments, followed by additional training appointments because we learn best by doing.
  3. We have thousands of users active in the software from the beginning of the business day to the end, and with such heavy traffic, there are occasional accidents. Bugs are discovered, new mistakes are made and curveballs are thrown. This third path may require us to take the wheel for a period of time, in a matter of speaking. In these situations, we will work behind the scenes with the most experienced members of our company to identify and correct these gnarly issues. A task is created where notes are made by the various moving parts brought in to contribute to your solution. Once the challenge is resolved, one of our team members will deliver the solution to you.

New Short Basic Training Videos

Aside from these direct training paths, we also have produced and published alternate forms of support. Think of them as an unmanned gas station, where you can stop, fill up your tank and possibly clean your windshield. Training Videos and Knowledge Base Articles are posted on our website to guide and help you, until your next scheduled maintenance with our hypothetical mechanics in the support department. We have fragmented the Basic Training Videos into concise, action-oriented instructions for all 6 phases of QFloors. Too often your solution can be quickly found in a short and simple training video, rather than a phone call that takes double or triple the time. We are completely aware of the situations requiring a human touch, in fact we commit hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide this human touch, nonetheless, sometimes there are other more efficient paths when searching for answers.


Another tool we use is ShowMyPC. By using ShowMyPC, we can connect to more than one workstation at a time and in a fraction of the time. We can view your computer both inside and outside of the QCloud session.

Eventually, we want everyone to take advantage of these benefits. If you are not familiar with ShowMyPC then you have 2 options:  First, we can walk you through the process of downloading it immediately; or second, we can set an appointment to have our tech team assist you on the install for every workstation in your company.

We’re Listening

We feel strongly these changes will allow us to continue to set the standard for customer support in the industry. We are also anxious to hear your thoughts. Please send us your customer reviews and suggestions to

Colten Gines

About the Author

Colten Gines - Customer Support Manager

Colten has deep roots in the flooring industry. His experience in sales and management provide a sound foundation for his role as a support consultant. Colten's enthusiasm for successful business operations and efficient system implementation match the unique advantage produced by QFloors software.