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Private Style/Private Color Names | New Labels | Defining Cuts

Ron Cluff

By Ron Cluff, Director of Training

October 2016

Private Style and Private Color Names

On Oct 26, 2016, we released version 6.540, and it has features for private style and color names! You’ll enter your private names in the Product Catalog, and select the private names when creating a Sale, but you’ll order the materials using the vendor’s actual names. Be sure to read the Release Notes for this version on our website (click, "Support Login" at the top of the page to login, then click the Release Notes button at the top of the page).

New Labels: Sales and Materials instead of Invoices and Products

Also new in version 6.540 is a change in terminology for Invoices and Products. We are now labeling those Sales and Materials. You’ll still see a few places where the old label hasn’t been changed yet, but we’ll update them soon.

Defining Cuts on Sales Order Lines

A feature that has been around for a while is Defining Cuts on Sale Line Items. After the invoice has been saved, double-click the line number. Then type in a Quantity and fill in the Comment (perhaps with the room or fill name), then click the Add Cut button. After you have saved your cuts, re-load the sale (click the sale number in the list) and you’ll see a letter "c" in the line number box on that line.

Ron Cluff

About the Author

Ron Cluff - Director of Training

Ron's careful attention to detail coupled with 15 years of working with QFloors ensures that software support and training is comprehensive and effective.