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QFloors' Service Project

December 2021

Original Author: Chris Ogden

Over 20 years ago, QFloors co-founders Chad and Chris Ogden, experienced the harrowing ordeal of their daughter being hospitalized with pancreatitis at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital. “It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life,” Chris Ogden said. “But they saved our Annie’s life. We will forever be grateful.”

A number of other QFloors employees have had personal connections to the hospital as well, and have stories of their own children or extended family members receiving care. The hospital, ranked among the nation's best children's hospitals, provides pediatric acute care for children with complex illnesses and injuries across a vast geographic area.

To show their gratitude this holiday season, QFloors participated in an in-kind donation drive. Employees collected toys, books, games, and clothing for the pediatric hospital. Over 110 total items were donated, including:

  • 9 packs of play dough
  • 8 toy cars
  • 16 coloring books
  • 10 boxes of crayons
  • 11 onesies and sleepers
  • 3 books
  • And a partridge in a pear tree (okay, not really)

Although the drive only ran for a week, the outpouring of donations was inspiring. We’re grateful for all those who donated, and who made the holiday a little brighter for the children at Primary Children’s.

Read the full article here: